BeKeto Dark Chocolate with Tangerine


Keto Chocolate with Raspberries and MCT ensures raspberry madness friendly to keto and low-carb! We want to make sure that your ketogenic or low-carb lifestyle is as balanced as possible.

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✔ Supports ketone production✔ Freeze-dried fruit ensures a “crunchy” effect

✔ Satisfies sweet cravings

✔ Perfect substitute for traditional sweets


Keto Chocolate with Mandarin and MCT guarantees a sweet treat that is friendly to the keto and low-carb lifestyles! We want to make sure that your ketogenic or low-carb lifestyle is as balanced as possible. The beginning doesn’t have to be difficult, especially when you still have a craving for sweets and chocolate. The minimum cocoa content in keto chocolate is 60%.


  • Eat boldly to satisfy your cravings
  • Use in ketogenic and low-carbohydrate desserts
  • Try not to exceed ⅓ serving size of chocolate per day