A vegan diet and a keto or ketogenic diet might seem like an unlikely match, given that the keto diet promotes consuming high-fat animal-based food while a vegan diet promotes plant-based food. However, with some creative adjustments, it is possible to follow a vegan keto diet. 

Pillars of a Vegan Keto Diet

Plant-based fats – on a vegan keto diet, the main sources of energy are healthy fats which provide essential nutrients and vitamins like Vitamin E and Omega3-fatty acids. Food which contains healthy fat sources include avocados, nuts, seeds, and plant-based oils such as coconut oil and olive oil

Low carbohydrate intake – limit grains, starchy vegetables and legumes and focus on non-starchy vegetable and low carb fruits such as blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. These are important to ensure a proper intake of vitamins, minerals and fibre. 

Adequate protein – ensure that food rich in protein is also being consumed. These include tofu, edamame beans, lentils, tempeh and vegan protein powders.

Benefits and Considerations

Following a vegan keto diet is complemented by various health benefits:

  • Weight loss: as the keto diet emphasis on fat burning, it can be a great way to lose that extra weight.
  • Reduced inflammation: plant-based foods are well-known for their anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Sustainable and ethical: enhances metabolic health while supporting animal welfare and environmental sustainability. 

However, one should be careful about:

  • Possible nutrition deficiencies: following a keto diet might result in insufficient levels of Vitamin B12zinc and Omega3. To avoid this, meals should be planned carefully to ensure that the required levels are met. Food supplements are also an easy way to ensure an adequate intake of these nutrients (always consult with a registered dietitian beforehand).
  • Long-term sustainability: although a vegan keto diet can be useful for weight loss, it might not be sustainable for everyone in the long term due to its restrictive nature. Always listen to your body and alter the diet accordingly.  

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